“It is very upsetting as an artist, to see your art being used for commercial use, without your permission” – Ann Marie Bone, freelance artist.
Let us introduce to you Ann Marie Bone. She is a freelance artist from Derbyshire, UK and has her art featured in Diamond Canvas Kit™ form through Dreamer Designs. Shockingly, she has discovered that some of her artwork has been used for commercial use without her permission from other companies, available on Aliexpress and Walmart (yes, even Walmart!) without payment to her and even without simple recognition.
Now collaborating with Dreamer Designs, Ann Marie says, “it has been a pleasure working with the company Dreamer Designs, who value the artists they are working with and make sure the products they supply, are licensed and of the highest quality. I hope you all enjoy recreating my images in diamond form and it is great to think that art can be passed on and enhanced in this way. I look forward to seeing some of the finished pieces.”
Here at Dreamer Designs, we make it of the utmost importance to license our designs. We are currently working with 4 artists and seek to work with many more in the future. We base our business model heavily on these artists, simply because we act as the bridge between the artists to the Diamond Canvas Kit™ and the rest of the diamond painting community. Due to the way we structure our process, we will never produce a diamond painting design that has not been first fully licensed and due credit is given to the artist.
There seems to be some controversy regarding some of the statements made concerning our artist licensing. It appears to be some kind of taboo subject within the trade and of diamond painters online. Many of us have never spoken about it before and quite possibly just had no idea that it was happening within the industry.
With that being said, please don’t find offence should you have bought your kits from Aliexpress before or continue to do so in the future. We are in no uncertain terms asking you not to buy from Aliexpress, heck we used to buy ours from there as well before launching Dreamer Designs! The roller coaster experiences of extremely long shipping waits and low quality kits are the exact reasons why Dreamer Designs is here today.
We believe it is so important to keep educated and informed so that we can make the best possible decision for our needs and beliefs. We hope that from wherever you purchase you diamond painting kit that you wholeheartedly enjoy the experience and continue to gift yourself the health, heart and soulful benefits that this craft brings.
By approaching a topic such as this, we can join together as a community and share supportive thoughts and opinions as well as gain life-long friends who share a passion for this craft. We welcome all of you to keep creating and diamond painting.
1 comment
Sandra Green
Do you have any plans of using pics painted by Thomas Kincaid? I have several pieces I have cross stitched.
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